Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Book for Moms

In the chaos that is my everyday life, I try to take at least five minutes out of everyday to do something for me. Reading, scrapbooking, a brisk walk-anything to clear my head and get me back on track for the next day. Last week, I caught a couple of minutes of a news special that featured controversial authors of "I was a Really Good Mom, Until I had Kids." The title of the book alone was enough to spark my interest so the next day, I brought my daughter to her grandma long enough for me to run to Barnes and Noble and pick up a copy.

This book is well worth the read and I would recommend it to any mom who has had a rough day, week, month, or year with her children. The authors interviewed 100 different moms including: stay at home moms, full-time working moms, part-time working moms, etc. This really allows some insight into the REAL world of motherhood and it helped make me feel like I wasn't alone in thinking that this was the toughest job on Earth.

If you get a chance to read it...I would love to know what you think!

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